Thankful For You

Hello dear readers!

I am taking a break from blogging this week but I want to pass on to you my deepest gratitude for how much each and every one of you inspire me.  What a privilege it is when you write and share your hearts with me!

As we enter the holidays, Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas, know that you are not alone. But I know this is a very difficult time of the year and that you may feel alone.

The following quote from Maura from Made in His Image sums it up perfectly:

“To the girl who is doubting everything about herself this night – dry your tears sweetheart. You are so beautiful, even in your brokenness. And your wounds are perfect for the man that is meant to love you forever. You are so enough, precious and lovable. #youareenough”  Maura Byrne ~ Made In His Image

Stay encouraged!  I would love to pray for you and add your name to my Divine Mercy Chaplet prayer list. Write to me anytime @

If the Lord moves you to do so, please think about supporting Maura.  She has a gofundme campaign which can be found Here.  I have met Maura (I sponsored her when she came to my church). Believe me when I tell you that she is an angel!

Here is a message from her:


Thankful for each of you.  God love and bless you!

p.s.s. Check out all my posts listed by category here!

Thank you so much for visiting and reading this post! If you have enjoyed my blog, please “like” my Facebook Page, The Veil and sign up to receive my blog posts automatically by clicking the rectangular “Follow” button. Please check me out and follow me on Twitter too! 

7 Quick Takes Friday ~ Vol 102

— 1 —  This Week’s Post:     Oh My Parents! I hope this post provided helpful perspective!   

— 2 —  Next Week’s Post:  Hmmmmm….

— 3 —  Not Alone Series:   This week’s NAS topic was Prayer!  The girls did a great job this week and the photos they shared are beautiful.  Check them out!

— 4 —   Spotlight On: What did you think of this article?  Why I Want To Skip The Confusing “Talking” Phase and Find Out What He Really Wants

— 5 —  The Humanum Series:  Did you see this article about The Destiny of Humanity:  On the Meaning of Marriage?  Here is the video Part 1 of 6:  

— 6 —     3 Keys:  This was a good article:   3 Keys to Save your Future Marriage.  I agree with all the keys with the exception of the 3rd key listed in the article. It says that marriage is ‘extremely difficult’ but I think it is all about perspective.  Being single is, to me, much, much harder.

  7 —  Finally Free:  This weekend is the first in many, many weekends since August that we have nothing planned other than Mass and a trip to the grocery store.  We had to work today and it is cold in our house.  So, instead of finishing up this remaining Quick Take, I think I will get under a blanket.  Brrrrrr.  I have received a number of emails this week from you beautiful girls and I look forward to catching up tomorrow morning after a good night’s rest.

God love and bless you!

p.s.s. Check out all my posts listed by category here!

Thank you so much for visiting and reading this post! If you have enjoyed my blog, please “like” my Facebook Page, The Veil and sign up to receive my blog posts automatically by clicking the rectangular “Follow” button. Please check me out and follow me on Twitter too!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Oh, My Parents!

I love my mom

I am famous for telling pregnant girls that the two gifts of Motherhood are guilt and worry.  Which is a good opening concept for this post about seeing things from your parent’s perspective. I get emails from you expressing your frustration with your parents:

“My parents think my singleness is all my fault!”

“My parents never know the right thing to say.”

“My parents are so critical of me!”

“I wish my parents were more supportive.”

“My parents think I am mean for not responding to guys who only offer lame pursuits.”


Your parents may blame themselves for your singleness.  They may look back on any mistakes they made in raising you or mistakes made in their own marriage and wonder if that is causing your delayed marriage.

The guilt they feel from it makes them unable to form a sentence which sounds supportive.  The guilt they feel is communicating something that is most likely not true.  Your singleness may be, in their mind, communicating to the world that they are bad parents and this makes them feel guilty.

Your parents may also be projecting their issues and failures onto you, unable to see that you are your own person.  And, these issues and failures, if they are even slightly detected in you, make them feel guilty….and they worry.


Please don’t underestimate how much your parents worry about you.  I never knew worry before I had my son.  When he was first born, I had this exaggerated fear that he was going to get stolen. I had this ‘Lindbergh baby’ thing going on in my head where I thought someone was going to come into our house and take him.  Every night I would ask Gregg, “Did you lock the sliding glass door?”

I worry less now but I do have more compassion on my parents these days, especially my dad.  My mom was always really relaxed about my extended singleness but I think my dad worried.  He wanted me to be married so bad.  It drove him to, at times, say things that were meant to be encouraging but somehow fell flat.  Poor guy!  There was just nothing he could say that would help.  But, you should have seen him on my wedding day.  He practically had to be sedated he was so happy. And then when I became a mother I could see that, all along, it was the joy my parents wanted for me.

Now that I have a child, I totally understand. But, I can guarantee you that my worry for him as he grows into adulthood, will make it seem as though I am putting pressure on him to meet my expectations.  Heck, I do that already and he is only 9 years old.


Jerome as a baby

Oh, the pressure!  Parents have expectations. I am constantly on our son about stuff.  Practice your math, hang up your clothes, put your shoes where they belong, fast-forward through the commercials, turn the TV down, look people in the eye.  Just this morning we were heading into Mass and a schoolmate of his walked right up to him and said, “Hi.”  Our son half-way acknowledged the boy and said, “Hi.”  So, after putting some distance between us and the schoolmate, I reminded him about the definition of ‘stuck up.’  This, of course, made him almost cry.

I am just trying to prevent him from himself sometimes.  He is a really friendly, personable child but on the rare occasion when he acts stuck up, he cannot see how his response comes off.  It is my job, as his mom, to point things like this out to him.  Oh, and he never appreciates this by the way.

Just like our parents corrected us and we did not like or appreciate it.  They had expectations.  And, those expectations can really feel like pressure…..and criticism.


One girl wrote to me wishing her mom would be more supportive and not so critical. She wishes that her mom would be more accepting and not try to change or fix her.  As I was reading it, I could see my son saying this about me!

We all imagine that when we have children, we will be accepting, encouraging and supportive of them all the time.  We can think of no reason to not be! Well, I thought that too.  But, the job is not a glamorous one.  You have to be the safety patrol, Schoolmarm, the big wet blanket, Mrs. Manners and the fun and grammar police.

As a parent, you can see the pitfalls ahead of time and you, out of love, don’t want your children to fall into these pits.  So, you guide, you correct, you make faces, you make sounds of disapproval and you pontificate.


I think there comes a point when parents have to emotionally separate from their child so that the pain that the adult child is experiencing is not so keenly felt by the parents.  But, my guess is that this separation process is very difficult.  You have heard that having a child is like wearing your heart on the outside.  Well it is true.  The bond is so strong that you feel everything they feel. Your pain is their pain.  Your desire is their desire.  Your disappointment is their disappointment.

You want the best for them. However, parents, in their broken human condition, fumble the transition ball.


My guess is that your parents want your pain and disappointment to end as much as you do but they feel very helpless in making it go away. So, they offer less than helpful advice, on occasion act exasperated and make comments that can sound critical.

Maybe they married young and your extended singleness completely confounds them.  Maybe they are thinking “What is so hard about finding a husband?”  Or they are thinking, “If my daughter were more XX or less ZZ, she would be married by now.”  They just have no concept of your suffering.

When you were little, they could do something.  But now that you are a grown woman, they can only helplessly observe from the sidelines.  

What To Do

  1. Know that your parents love you and want the best for you.
  2. When your parents offer you advice about your love life, just smile, nod your head and say ‘thank you for loving me and wanting the best for me, Mom and Dad.’  
  3. When your parents fumble the ball and say things that upset you, forgive them.
  4. Find someone other than your parents to vent to. Once you are married and have their grandchildren, you will be glad you did not jeopardize the relationship with unkind and angry outbursts of frustration.
  5. Pray for patience and grace prior to each interaction with your parents.  Imagine the Blessed Mother at your side.  She understands your suffering.
  6. Continue to lead a Sacramental life so as to be strengthened during this time in your life.

Write to me anytime at: 

God love and bless you!

p.s.s. Check out all my posts listed by category here!

Thank you so much for visiting and reading this post! If you have enjoyed my blog, please “like” my Facebook Page, The Veil and sign up to receive my blog posts automatically by clicking the rectangular “Follow” button. Please check me out and follow me on Twitter too! 

7 Quick Takes Friday ~ Vol 101

— 1 —  This Week’s Post:     Fear – Part 3 ~ Healthy Fear  Thank you for the feedback on this post! 

— 2 —  Next Week’s Post:  So many topics to pick from!  Thank you for all your emails this week and the honor of sharing your hearts with me.  What do you think if I write a post about being a Mother?  I see some of you struggling with your parents and I am wondering if a post about things from a Mom’s perspective would be interesting/insightful?  

— 3 —  Not Alone Series:   This week’s NAS topic was The Struggle Bus!  Ugh, are you on it?  Check out what the girls had to say!  


Cathedrals by Tenth Avenue North

— 4 — Spotlight On:  Gregg wanted you girls to know about a band called Tenth Avenue North.  Below I included a song called, appropriately, Struggle which has great lyrics, including: “Children drop your chains and sing.”  The next song below, Jesu, Dulcis Memoria, features Audrey Assad.  Enjoy!  

— 5 —  Self-Image and ChastityOh goodenss, I love the title of the article, What does Self-Image have to do with Chastity?  Just like it says ~ Everything!!  I must do a post about this!

— 6 —   Positive Chastity:  Did you see the article on First Things called Positive Chastity?

“What is needed is a chastity recommendation that doesn’t end with “Thou shalt not.” It follows through with “And thou shalt enjoy a better life.

  7 —  The Most Overlooked Characteristic of Who to Marry:  What is that characteristic?  Go Here to see!

God love and bless you!

p.s.s. Check out all my posts listed by category here!

Thank you so much for visiting and reading this post! If you have enjoyed my blog, please “like” my Facebook Page, The Veil and sign up to receive my blog posts automatically by clicking the rectangular “Follow” button. Please check me out and follow me on Twitter too!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Fear ~ Part 3 Healthy Fear

Several weeks ago I shared the story of a dear reader who is dating a nice, Catholic guy.  He has a job, interesting hobbies, friends, nice family, is cute and practices his faith for real.  So, what is the problem?  The problem is that she is not sure if she feels a spark or not and therefore is unsure of what to do.  In that post, I shared that there is paralyzing fear and there is healthy fear.  Last week I covered paralyzing fear (which needs to be healed by God) and this week I will cover healthy fear. 


Back in May I wrote the Give Him 3 Dates post.  Much of what I wrote had to do with the beginning stages of dating.  I suggested that you give a guy 3 dates to allow for God to move if He chooses.  You can always say to God, “I gave this guy a chance. No spark.” 

But what about when you have been dating this nice, Catholic guy for a while and although things are good, you just don’t feel a spark?  What if God is not moving your heart towards this guy? 

I describe this as a feeling of hesitation and when it comes to marriage, I believe we should heed these feelings of hesitation.  I believe that they come from the Holy Spirit.  But, how do you know that the fear you are feeling is a healthy feeling of hesitation from the Holy Spirit?

Would You Pick Him? 

The Catholic Sacrament of Marriage is permanent. When considering your husband, you need to believe that if you had all the men in the entire world to pick from, you would pick this man.  And, you should have confidence and peace about forever with him. 

During the ‘forever’ many  things will happen.  He will make you mad and his human imperfections will annoy you.  The same goes for your human imperfections.  You may even feel tempted towards infidelity. It is during those times that you need to be able to say to yourself, “He is not perfect but there is no other man I want.” 

Not A Safety Net 

When considering marriage, be sure to avoid the safety net syndrome.  This is when you marry a guy because another man might not come along.  That, to me, is not a good reason.  Your beloved  needs to be more than just a safety net for you.  You need to look at him with admiration and be able to thank God for such a wonderful husband. If you cannot do this, then those feelings of hesitation and fear are healthy and it may be time to break things off. 

Ask The Question 

So the dear reader in this story did ask herself the “if I had all the men to pick from…” question. It was a good process for her to go through because it forced her to look at this wonderful man and all his qualities.  It softened her heart towards him to know how much he cares about her and accepts her with all her human flaws. It helped her understand and prioritize what she is looking for in marriage.  Then, she decided to give things more time because so far, the answer to the question “if I had all the men to pick from, would I pick him?” was “yes, I think so!” 

It may have helped when I reminded her that the type of man she is dating, with all his qualities and character, is exactly the type of man who can make a girl very happy. When you go to Mass and see families, do you notice that the men leading these strong, faithful Catholic families don’t always have the ‘Wow!’ factor?  But they are solid men and their wives are, more often than not, happy and at peace. 


Sometimes our fears are a product of our need for healing.  Sometimes they are signposts of hesitation that force us to evaluate the relationship.  Other times, they are healthy fears which are intended to steer us away from a relationship which may seem good but is not God’s will.  This discernment process should include the following: 

  1. A look at ourselves and our need for healing
  2. A look at the guy and his qualities/character
  3. Asking the question, “If I had all the men in the world to pick from, would I pick him?”
  4. If the answer to #3 is “No”, then I suggest you break things off.
  5. If the answer to #3 is “Yes” or even, “Maybe”, then I suggest you give it more time. 


There are so many opinions out there about discerning marriage with a particular man. Some would say that my question in #3 above is the wrong approach.  

My opinion on this is a result of my experience.  I could not answer “Yes” to #3 above for any other guy until I met Gregg.  And, that question still gets a “Yes!” from me today. 

I had feelings of hesitation and what I now call ‘healthy fear’ with all other guys.  It is true that with these guys, some of my paralyzing fears were due to my issues and need for healing. So, I can’t blame it all on them. But, what is interesting is that I still had the same issues which should have caused paralyzing fear when I met Gregg.  But, instead of feeling paralyzed, I felt confident in our future and filled with fortitude.  I, of course, credit this to God’s beautiful will and The Veil.  

2 Tim 1 7


Do you trust that the Lord has a will for your life?  Do you trust that the Holy Spirit will lead you to His will?  When you are confronted with healthy fear, please pay attention to your feelings of hesitation.  But, may I sweetly recommend that you take the time to discern first before breaking things off with a guy who has the potential to be an amazing husband?

As always, you are welcome to email me at

God love and bless you!

p.s.s. Check out all my posts listed by category here!

Thank you so much for visiting and reading this post! If you have enjoyed my blog, please “like” my Facebook Page, The Veil and sign up to receive my blog posts automatically by clicking the rectangular “Follow” button. Please check me out and follow me on Twitter too! 

7 Quick Takes Friday ~ Vol 100

— 1 —  This Week’s Post: 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know  Congratulations to Kari on the launch of her new book!  

— 2 —  Next Week’s Post:  Fear – Part 3 ~ Healthy Fear  What advice did I give to this dear girl experiencing fear?  I will share the details next week (for real)!

— 3 —  Not Alone Series:   This week’s NAS topic was Deal Breakers!  Oh, you know these smart NAS girls have some deal breakers.  All of them seemed perfectly rational to me, including Lindsay’s desire to marry a non-smoker.  I also understand the part about wanting to marry a man who shares their Catholic faith.  I wrote about my thoughts in the post called Equally Yoked.  Check out all the girl’s posts on Jen’s blog!  


— 4 — Spotlight On:   This week’s spotlight is on Archbishop Charles J. Chaput for this reminder:

“None of us are welcomed on our own terms in the church. We are welcomed on Jesus’ terms,” he said. “That’s what it means to be a Christian. You submit yourself to Jesus and his teaching. You don’t recreate your own body of spirituality.”

My Battle Against Hitler

— 5 —  Spotlight On:  Another spotlight on Dr. Alice von Hildebrand for her new book, My Battle Against Hitler, where she reveals her husband, Dietrich von Hildebrand’s fight against Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.  This was my favorite part from her recent interview:

“I think any astute reader of My Battle against Hitler will understand
the message of this book, namely that the devil never sleeps. It would
be a huge mistake to assume that the horrors which took place in both
Germany and Soviet Russia could never happen to us. By allowing
ourselves to fall into spiritual and intellectual somnolence, by
becoming consumed with the pursuit of money and pleasure, we forget
that the relativism rampant in our schools and universities can again
pave the way for such abominable horrors. We should always be aware of
the dangers surrounding us, and through prayer and the sacraments
remain spiritually alert.”

— 6 —   Body and Soul:  This was good and so true:

 “Your naked body deserves the honor of being shared only with someone who is covenanted to never stop loving your naked soul.”  Ann Voskamp

  7 —  Psalm 27: One of my favorites!

“The LORD is my light and my salvation;
whom should I fear?
The LORD is my life’s refuge;
of whom should I be afraid?
One thing I ask of the LORD;
this I seek:
To dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
That I may gaze on the loveliness of the LORD
and contemplate his temple.
I believe that I shall see the bounty of the LORD
in the land of the living.
Wait for the LORD with courage;
be stouthearted, and wait for the LORD.”

God love and bless you!

p.s.s. Check out all my posts listed by category here!

Thank you so much for visiting and reading this post! If you have enjoyed my blog, please “like” my Facebook Page, The Veil and sign up to receive my blog posts automatically by clicking the rectangular “Follow” button. Please check me out and follow me on Twitter too!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know

Just a quick note to remind you that Kari Kampankis’ book, 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know, is available starting tomorrow!  She gave me an advanced copy to read and I had hoped to do a formal book review.  But, instead I am going to recommend that this book be given as a Christmas gift for any girl from Grade 5 to Grade 12.  It is packed with wisdom with a direct yet non-judgy message. You may even want to get a copy for yourself.  I loved it!

My favorite Chapter:  Chapter 10: Self Talk (I am a big believer in this)

More about her book:  Here

Buy her book:  Here

Congratulations Kari!



Next week:  Final post about Fear ~ Healthy Fear!

God love and bless you!

p.s.s. Check out all my posts listed by category here!

Thank you so much for visiting and reading this post! If you have enjoyed my blog, please “like” my Facebook Page, The Veil and sign up to receive my blog posts automatically by clicking the rectangular “Follow” button. Please check me out and follow me on Twitter too!