Giving Thanks/Help A Reader


I am taking a little break from blogging this week to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family.  My brother is hosting the festivities this year and we have much to be thankful for, including a clean bill of health for both of my sisters who have been through cancer treatments over the last couple of years. 

And, although we suddenly lost our Dad 5 years ago, we still have our amazing Mom whose physical energy and mental competence puts my own to shame.  When Gregg describes my Mom, he does so with two words:  Mental Toughness

I am also thankful for you, my dear Readers.  I have received the most amazing notes of encouragement from my readers recently.  For example:

Hi Cindy 

I have been following your blog for some months now and often get goose bumps or cry when reading some of your posts! Thank you for touching people’s lives – even those in faraway South Africa! I recently turned 30 and along with many of my friends, am still single. This topic comes up fairly often in conversation and I feel like I can now provide fresh and meaningful advice to my single friends using stories and quotes from your blog that have helped me, so thank you. 🙂 It still amazes me that technology enables us to “meet” people through the internet who discuss such issues.   

This is a bit of a long shot but I was hoping you would perhaps be able to help me. I am planning on visiting the USA for the first time next year (Easter timeframe) and one of the things I would like to do is go on a retreat while I am there. As I mentioned, I live in South Africa and Catholic retreat centres are very scarce. 😦 Google searches return a plethora of options and not being familiar with any places in your country I have no idea how to choose! I was wondering if I could ask for your advice to provide some pointers please. 

Many thanks,

A Reader In South Africa

Help A Reader

Will you please provide recommendations (either in the comments or by email to me) for Retreat Centers in the U.S?  She is open to visit anywhere in the U.S and her plan is to be here around Easter 2014. 

Oh, wouldn’t it be wonderful if she visited one or several of you while she was here?  I will open up my home to host her here in Maryland if she would like, although I am not ‘in’ on all the cool retreats for young Catholic women.  Please, please share your recommendations!!

Thank you again, my sweet girls.  May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of Love from family, friends and our Lord.

Be assured of my continued prayers for you.  God love and bless you, Cindy

p.s.s. Check out all my posts listed by category here!

If you have enjoyed my blog, please “like” my Facebook Page, The Veil and sign up to receive my blog posts automatically by clicking the rectangular “Follow“button. Please check me out and follow me on Twitter too! Thank you!

7 Quick Takes Friday ~ Vol 56

— 1 —   This Week’s Post:   A Sacramental Life In Christ.  This post was long overdue and it felt good to finally capture all the beautiful ways Christ gives us to share in His own divine life.

— 2 —  Tardy Today:  My 7QTs are very tardy today because we were out late last night (9:00pm!) and we had to work today. Since I have committed to not working on blog stuff at work and because the home/family life was crammed this week, I am working on these 7 nuggets after work on Friday.  I will be way down in the 100’s on Jen’s linky-links this week!

 3 —   Not Alone Series: This week’s topic was Surviving Events/Parties as a Singleton.  As usual, the NAS girls provided great suggestions on this topic.  One suggestion by Nikki was to Help, be of service.”  Now, your response may be,Hey, I am a guest at the party.  Just because I am single does not mean I have to always play the servant.”  I understand this response but please stay with me on this.  I would often ask the hostess if she would like me to show up early and help set up. That way, I would avoid the whole walking-in-by-myself-feeling-like-everyone-is-staring-at-single-me thing.  I would have a role at the party instead of feeling out-of-place and awkward.  The beauty of this advice?  It is strategic and kind to be of service.

— 4 —  Spotlight On #1 This week’s spotlight #1 is on Allie Millette for her guest post over at the Life In The Gap blog.  You remember Allie, right?  She provided a wildly popular guest post for me back in October called “Friending.”  Her latest guest post, It Starts At Home, is especially poignant for those of us who have struggled or are struggling to give ourselves a break.  Tissue time.

“…but at the end of the day, what’s done is done and the only thing left to do is look in the mirror and say I love you, I’m sorry for abandoning you, and I forgive you. After all, how can we honestly expect for others to accept our offers of forgiveness when we can’t even face forgiving ourselves?…”

— 5 —     Spotlight On #2: Spotlight #2 is on Ann from A Holy Experience for her post about public proposals and Redefining Boring.  Personally, I think the public proposal thing is tacky. I know you girls think it is romantic but as an older gal may I please share with you that sometimes the biggest shows of love and commitment end up being the most fake and fragile.  I am not wishing bad on any of the couples who get engaged as a result of a huge public proposal.  I just cringe when I see these outlandish public proposals on Facebook because I feel concerned that an expectation is being placed in your hearts. Please, please read this woman’s blog post and embrace the boring.  I pray it helps you to raise and lower your expectations in the right areas of marriage and romance.

 “…How a man proposes isn’t what makes him romantic. It’s how a man proposes to lay down his life that makes him romantic.”  Ann

— 6 —   Anyone Need to Forgive an Ex-Boyfriend?  Hopefully, you still have the tissues out from Allie’s post because this post from The Evangelista is a tear jerker.  

“…Things were getting intense in that classroom. At this point, I was in tears, but I already felt as if a huge weight had been lifted. God’s grace was working in a powerful way. But then, Fr. James surprised me by going in an unexpected direction: he told me that we were going to do the exercise again, but that instead of imagining my ex-boyfriend in the chair opposite me, he told me I imagine that I was looking into a mirror. 

“Christina, I want you to look at the girl in the mirror. You’re angry at her aren’t you?”

[Tearfully] “Yes.”

“You’re even angrier at her than you are at your ex-boyfriend, aren’t you?”


— 7 —Virgin and Martyr:  St. Cecilia, pray for us! Today is her feast day!    

St Cecilia

God love and bless you!

p.s.s. Check out all my posts listed by category here!

If you have enjoyed my blog, please “like” my Facebook Page, The Veil and sign up to receive my blog posts automatically by clicking the rectangular “Follow button. Please check me out and follow me on Twitter too! Thank you!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

A Sacramental Life in Christ

Last week I responded to a Reader’s question on how to fight discouragement and temptation.  I concluded with her that the only way to do this is through a Sacramental life in Christ.  I have made this somewhat vague recommendation many times on this blog and therefore I created this post with more details so that I can refer back to it in the future.  

I have shared in other posts that when I returned to the Catholic Church after being away for about 4 years, it was the discovery of the Sacramental aspect of our life in Christ that was so profound to me. My body, my fertility, my struggles and my desire for marriage finally made sense in light of the Sacraments.  It was the beginning of the healing process for me. 

The Armor of God 

Scripture is clear that in order to fight against discouragement and temptation, we are to put on the Armor of God. As Catholics, our armor is not limited to scripture.  We have a whole cache of weapons, namely the Sacraments, which strengthen us and infuse Grace into our souls.  Through the Sacraments, our relationship with Jesus is expressed and experienced with our whole body in communion with the Church.

 The Catechism of the Catholic Church states:

1131 The Sacraments are efficacious (this means they are actually effective and do something real) signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us. The visible rites by which the sacraments are celebrated signify and make present the graces proper to each sacrament. They bear fruit in those who receive them with the required dispositions.”

A “Sacrament,” according to the Baltimore Catechism, is:

“an outward sign, instituted by Christ, to give grace.” They are an outward sign of something going on inside of us.  The Sacraments have the power of giving grace from the merits of Jesus Christ.”


I have 10 recommendations for you on how to have a Sacramental Life in Christ.  Note how each one includes your body:

1.  Adoration of our Lord:  I recommend you spend time in Eucharistic Adoration and just listen to Him speak to you.  Sit in His real presence and let Him pour out His love to you and comfort you.  If you are unsure of His real presence, check out John Chapter 6.

2.  Reconciliation:  Go to Confession and get those regrets off of your chest.  Even if you believe you have been forgiven, I promise you that once you confess those sins in the Confessional, you will feel amazing and free.  Our creator God knows that our need for Sacramental Confession has both a Spiritual as well as a Psychological basis. Besides, confession to a priest is very biblical! Once you are in a state of grace again, you are prepared to take Jesus (body, blood, soul and Divinity) into your body (John Chapter 6) at Holy Communion.

“….There is no reason to die a spiritual death when we have this supreme remedy at hand.  Make frequent and devout use of this sacrament.  Not only does it cleanse from grave sin but it helps us avoid venial sins, to see them clearly and receive the graces to repair whatever damage they cause.  You will also practice the virtues of humility, simplicity and charity.  In a single act of contrition you will exercise many virtues.” 

St. Francis de Sales (16th Century Bishop of Geneva)

3.  Mass:  I love the Old Testament!  Especially the specific way the Lord taught the Israelites how to worship Him.  It was very communal and it involved their whole bodies.  Today, we do this through the Mass.  I recommend that you find a parish and start going to Mass.  Even if you have to ease into it, the Lord will welcome you and pour out His grace upon you.  The Mass involves your whole body. Worship Him and kneel before Him.  Confess to Him He that is the Creator and that you are a sinner in need of help by reciting the Creed. Listen to His holy word, Sacred Scripture.

4.  Holy Eucharist:  Once you are in a state of grace from the Sacrament of Confession, you will be prepared to receive the Lord in the Eucharist at Mass.  Hunger, thirst, take and eat.  Present your body to God as a weapon.  He wants an intimate relationship with you.  He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.  He makes Himself available to us in the most intimate way. 

“….By adoring and consuming beauty, purity and goodness itself in his divine sacrament, you will become completely beautiful, entirely holy and perfectly good.  Go to Holy Communion as often as you can…” 

St. Francis de Sales

In addition to the above, I recommend these 6 habits and practices:

5.  Scripture and Holy Books:  Sign up to receive the daily readings in your email.  Bathe your mind in Sacred Scripture.  Meditate upon it and allow God to speak to you through His sacred words.  Here is a good site for that:   Also, read holy books listed here.

6.  Daily Prayer:  Prayer conforms our mind and will to God’s will.

7.  Serve:  Apply your body in service and for the Kingdom.  For example, when I was single, I taught 7th grade Catechism.  What is your passion?  Ask the Lord to show you how to apply your body in His service.

8.  Chastity:  The enemy is cunning and he knows that our desire to be loved by a man is a weakness. Think about the ways he has deceived you in the past.  What type of men weaken you?  What drives you to make decisions which are not in line with your dignity?

9.  Holy Companions:  Seek out friends that are like-minded and who are also committed to the Lord and His precepts. 

10.  Fast:  This is something I failed to take advantage of until recently.  I still am weak in this area of spiritual warfare.  What I have learned is that we can fast from anything that we love and the Lord will bless us. 

“…Among many others are these four fruits:  fasting fortifies the spirit, mortifying the flesh and its sensuality; it raises the spirit to God; it fights concupiscence and gives power to conquer and deaden its passions; in short, it disposes the heart to seek to please only God with great purity of heart…” 

St. Francis de Sales

God love and bless you!

p.s. Please check out all my posts listed by category here!

If you have enjoyed my blog, please “like” my Facebook Page, The Veil and sign up to receive my blog posts automatically by clicking the rectangular “Follow“ button. Please check me out and follow me on Twitter too! Thank you!

7 Quick Takes Friday ~ Vol 55

— 1 —   This Week’s Post:   Dear Cindy ~ Discouraged and Tempted  This week I kicked off the Dear Cindy series by sharing a Reader’s question and my response to her question.  Next week I plan to explain what I mean when I advise you girls to strive for holiness through a Sacramental Life in Christ

— 2 —  Not Alone Series:  This week’s topic was Vulnerability with FriendsNikki from Catholic Heart for Home helped me to better relate to my single friends with one simple sentence:

“….she gives gentle and relevant support for the whole of me not just the want to get married part.”

Morgan from Follow and Believe concluded with the following:

“…My married/engaged friends are such great models of holy romances. They help me to know what I’m truly looking for in a relationship, what matters and what doesn’t. And you know what? While they might not be able to relate to my particular situation, they’ve had struggles of their own. Maybe I can learn from something they’ve had to deal with!”

 3 —   Spotlight On #1 I had a hard time choosing just one person to spotlight this week.  This week’s first spotlight is once again on Emily Stimpson.  I am getting a deeper understanding of the life-changing teaching of Theology of the Body through her book, These Beautiful Bones . Additionally, Emily continues to amaze me with her posts over at Catholic Vote.  Her latest, What Makes A Body Beautiful, makes me want to drive to Steubenville and give her a hug.   In a nutshell:  We can all be beautiful.  

— 4 —  Spotlight On #2:  I have been so blessed to ‘meet’ amazing girls through the blog world and one of my favorites is Celeste from Sacred Sharings for The Soul.  She is somewhat stealthy but if you only knew the dedication she has to teaching young girls about the virtue of chastity!  She is young and wise and is the perfect role model for young girls.  Have you seen any of her gorgeous posts? This week, she asked this ‘hit you in the gut’ question:

“In moments of spiritual desolation it is important to ask ourselves this very question “Are we in love with all the good things of God, or the God of all good things?”

— 5 —   Spotlight on #3:  This week’s spotlight #3 is on Maura from Made In His Image.  Maura most likely needs no introduction but in the event you do not know her, I featured her on my 7QTs back in March.  This week she shared a post called:  To The Broken and Beautiful Girl.  Don’t click without a Kleenex in hand!

Maura also Tweeted this truth:   “The man God has for you will say, “I’ve seen you at your worst and I’m staying.”

— 6 —   Spotlight On #4:  Mandy from Messy Wife, Blessed Life writes about the revelation she made after her recent miscarriage in her guest post, When Our Good and Holy Plans Fall Through:

“…That large family may be in our future still, but I no longer make assumptions.  Because for the first time, I’ve stopped thinking that I know what God has planned for me.  And I’ve stopped making plans for myself.  And for the first time, I feel much more receptive to God’s will; when I stop telling Him of my plans, I leave room to be able to hear His.”

— The Troops of St. George:  Gregg is taking our son on a hike tomorrow with the new troop from our parish!  Can I get an ‘Amen!’ on the need to infuse future men with virtue, decisiveness and integrity!?! 

Who are the Troops of Saint George?

“…We are a Catholic apostolate for Catholic men and their sons. We are Catholic first above all else. Our campouts feature the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, the sacrament of Confession, and time-honored Catholic devotions.

We are not interested in arts and crafts or meetings for the sake of meetings. Rather, we’re interested in meeting the challenges of being a godly and Christian man for our wives, children, grandchildren, and culture. We want our sons to become true men infused with virtue, decisiveness, and integrity….”

God love and bless you!

p.s.s. Check out all my posts listed by category here!

If you have enjoyed my blog, please “like” my Facebook Page, The Veil and sign up to receive my blog posts automatically by clicking the rectangular “Follow button. Please check me out and follow me on Twitter too! Thank you!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Dear Cindy ~ Discouraged and Tempted

Dear CindyDear Cindy,

      I just want to say I thoroughly enjoy your blogs and have been following you for some time now. I was raised Catholic but now am nondenominational but it doesn’t mean that the message does not apply to everyone of us. 🙂 

      My question is what kind of advice would you give someone in their mid 30’s who feel that their time might be up? For someone who blew it? I feel like it might be too late for me. Specifically, I am 32 years old and have recently committed to chastity after making many relationship mistakes. It seems that the guys show interest in me but they are not interested in marriage.  It is hard for me to believe that I will meet a man who will desire to marry  me. 

     What is your advice for someone in their 30’s like me? How can I stay firm and not succumb to  temptation? Did you go through the same feelings? I want to fully trust God.

            Thank you for your ministry, 

            Discouraged and Tempted


Dear Discouraged and Tempted,

I am so pleased to receive your feedback about the blog and that its relevance is not limited to Catholics.  I am sorry that you have suffered in this culture and that it has deceived you.  Your story is a common one, so please do not feel alone.

Your main question is:  for someone in their 30’s… can I stay firm and not succumb to temptation?

My answer is *not* dependent upon your age.  Even though the answer is the same for everyone at every age, I do know that the longer you are single, the easier it is to feel discouraged.  You can feel as if the Lord has forgotten you.  As you stated, you feel that maybe you somehow blew it or that it is too late for you.

There are two things you are fighting against:  Discouragement and Temptation

My suggestions for fighting against these are very Catholic, so please keep reading as I think an understanding of the Sacramental life will be helpful for you.  When I returned to the Catholic Church after being away for about 4 years, it was the discovery of the Sacramental aspect of our life in Christ that was so profound to me. My body, my fertility, my struggles and my desire for marriage finally made sense in light of the Sacraments.  It was the beginning of the healing process for me.

As you read the rest of my note, please focus on these beautiful words from Sacred Scripture and what it says about the body:

“…And do not present the parts of your bodies to sin as weapons for wickedness, but present yourselves to God as raised from the dead to life and the parts of your bodies to God as weapons for righteousness.” Romans 6:12

As a baptized Catholic yourself, you have access to these weapons that are designed to fight off discouragement and temptation.

Scripture is clear that in order to fight against temptation, we are to put on the Armor of God. As Catholics, our armor is not limited to scripture.  We have a whole cache of weapons, namely the Sacraments, that strengthen us and infuse Grace into our souls.  Through the Sacraments, our relationship with Jesus is expressed and experienced with our whole body in communion with the Church.

In order to fight discouragement, you need the Armor of Grace.  You need an intimate bond with Jesus; one that involves your whole body.  This bond, and the gift of Hope (the antidote against despair and discouragement), which only Jesus can give, will protect you from getting overcome with discouragement and regret.

You asked if it was too late for you.  Goodness, no, it is never too late.  With God, all things are possible.  And, with humans things are possible too.  There are good men out there that are interested in a good, holy wife.  Remain asleep in God’s will and He will be faithful.

You asked if I went through the same feelings.  Yes, I did experience discouragement, particularly when I was not living a Sacramental life in Christ.  Those four years away from the Sacraments was the worst time because I was without the weapons I needed to fight the enemy.

I actually had an easier time with temptation because of my personality.  You see, once I realized that a holy, chaste, loving marriage was possible, I felt annoyed at any guy who would try to take from me what belonged only to my husband. The gift of stubbornness was my strength in that area.  I was blessed to witness these holy, chaste, loving, fruitful and sacramental marriages in the young people around me and it gave me hope that maybe I could have that too.

So in order to fight off discouragement and temptation, there really is no answer other than a Sacramental life in Christ.  Therefore, I have 10 recommendations for you…………..


I have already responded to this Reader with my 10 recommendations and I will include them in a post I have been meaning to create for some time.  The post is called “What Is A Sacramental Life In Christ?” and because it is quite lengthy, I will post it next week!

God love and bless you!

p.s. Check out all my posts listed by category here!

If you have enjoyed my blog, please “like” my Facebook Page, The Veil and sign up to receive my blog posts automatically by clicking the rectangular “Follow“ button. Please check me out and follow me on Twitter too! Thank you!

7 Quick Takes Friday ~ Vol 54

— 1 —   This Week’s Post:   Freedom in Self-Control   May you be richly blessed by the words of Dietrich von Hildebrand!

— 2 —  Dear Cindy:  This is a new series that will include your questions and my answers!  Next week, I will answer the most common question I receive from my 30+year-old Readers:  “Is it too late and what advice can you give me on how not to fall into despair?”

Dear Cindy

 3 —   Spotlight On This week’s spotlight is once again on Emily Stimpson.  As you know, I am reading her book, These Beautiful Bones and I plan to write a review of it soon.  If any of you have ever struggled with body image and your relationship with food (my hand is raised), Emily’s article, What The Pope Taught Me About Food And Sex, is for you.  The article gives you a foretaste (get it?) of her fabulous book!

— 4 —  Lady Alice von Hildebrand: This week’s post had a quote from Dietrich von Hildebrand.  His wife, Alice, is another very strong inspiration for me.  She was recently invested as a Dame Grand Cross of the Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great. I just love her.

Alice von Hildebrand

 — 5 —     Not Alone Series:  This week’s topic was Favorite Single-People Sites and Posts and was hosted by Morgan.  Check out the awesome resources these girls have pulled together!  I felt honored to be listed in Jen’s post, Britt’s post and Nikki’s posts.  Thank you so much! 

— 6 —   The Veil Theory:  Morgan’s post this week led me to Verily Magazine and this article by Monica Gabriel.    As I was reading it, the concept of The Veil just jumped out at me.  A guy can be attracted to you and not pursue you and that is not necessarily a bad thing.  Frustrating, yes. I love what she wrote at the end:

“…Now whenever I begin criticizing Mr. Totally Into Me for missing his cue, I check my pride and give him the benefit of the doubt. I simply ask myself one question: is he pursuing me? If the answer is no, then he is just a man who is attracted to a woman which is, as I understand it, about as unique as a moth drawn to a flame.

So I have stopped worrying about the guys who are attracted to me and have turned my attention solely to the men who pursue me–no more psychoanalysis, no more prideful wound licking.”

— Saint Ambrose (c.340-397), Bishop of Milan and Doctor of the Church:  This is a great commentary on Saint Luke’s Gospel by this Saint and Doctor of the Church: 


The Three Parables of Mercy

“It is not without purpose Saint Luke has set three parables before us one after the other: the sheep that was lost and was found, the drachma that was mislaid and was found, and the prodigal son who was dead and came back to life, so that, encouraged by this threefold medicine, we might heal our wounds… Who are the father, the shepherd, the woman? Are they not God the Father, Christ and the Church? Christ who took your sins on himself carries you in his body; the Church goes looking for you; the Father welcomes you home. Like a shepherd he brings you back; like a mother it seeks you out; like a Father he clothes you. Mercy first of all, then rescue, and finally reconciliation.

Each of these details is appropriate to each one: the Redeemer comes to our help, the Church rescues, the Father reconciles. The mercy of the divine work is the same but the grace differs according to our worthiness. The wearied sheep is brought back by the shepherd, the missing drachma is found again, the son retraces his steps to his father and returns wholly repentant for the wandering off he rejects…

So let us be glad that this sheep who strayed in Adam has been restored in Christ. Christ’s shoulders are the arms of the cross, it is there I have set my sins, on the noble neck of that gibbet have I found rest.”

God love and bless you!

p.s.s. Check out all my posts listed by category here!

If you have enjoyed my blog, please “like” my Facebook Page, The Veil and sign up to receive my blog posts automatically by clicking the rectangular “Follow button. Please check me out and follow me on Twitter too! Thank you!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Freedom in Self-Control

My plan this week was to start a series called, Dear Cindy where I share Reader’s questions and my answers to those question.  Well, I created the first post of the series and as promised, sent it to the Reader for her approval.  I changed her name, his name and all other identifying information.  But, she asked me to either not post it or wait.  She had some additional information for me. 

I share this with you for two reasons.  First, to explain why my post is a little different from what was planned this week.  Next, to let you know that you can be completely confident that if you write to me, I will not post your question without your permission. 

The reason I think the Dear Cindy series will be so good is that you girls have many of the same questions and you can learn from and inspire each other.  But, what is more important to me is keeping this ministry focused on the individual person and not betraying the trust that is required when you share your heart with me.

Dear Cindy

         Since I do not have a post this week, I thought I would share with you the beautiful words from a Doctor of the Church who is my inspiration, Dietrich von Hildebrand:

“Living a pure life requires the strength of self-possession, fortitude and temperance. Purity can only be thought of in association with the virtue of love. Chastity, rather than being a negative virtue, seeks to affirm the person in every situation. Only the chaste man and woman are capable of true love. If you are not able to control yourself, you cannot give yourself, for you cannot give what you do not have. Sexual morality is rooted in the way God designed us.

Purity is a spiritual power that frees love from selfishness and aggression. Chastity cannot exist without the capacity to renounce self, to make sacrifices and to wait. Virtue comes from spiritual strength.

Chastity is a call to save sex until marriage and live with your body, mind and soul in harmony. The virtue of chastity brings our sexual appetite into harmony with reason, and creates purity in mind, heart and conscience. Purity prepares our souls for the capacity to love. All Christians, whether married or single, are called to the virtue of chastity.

As our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we are made in the image of God, we are told to glorify God with our bodies. The body is of great worth in Christianity. God came to us in flesh and blood and revealed how important the body is to the human condition. Within our bodies we have many passions. Either we are able to control them or they will control us. Freedom is found by self-control.

God love and bless you!

p.s. Check out all my posts listed by category here!

If you have enjoyed my blog, please “like” my Facebook Page, The Veil and sign up to receive my blog posts automatically by clicking the rectangular “Follow“ button. Please check me out and follow me on Twitter too! Thank you!

7 Quick Takes Friday ~ Vol 53

— 1 —   This Week’s Post:  The 3-Date Rule    I hope the post cleared up some of the confusion!  

— 2 —   Next Week’s Post:  I get so many great questions from you girls.  Over the next couple of weeks, I plan to post my responses to Reader’s questions!  Don’t worry, the details will be changed to protect privacy.  The best one was when a girl asked me what I thought about her dating situation.  I told her I thought she should break up with the guy.  Then….ahh…you have to come back and see what happened!  I am also excited about some guest posts in the future!

 3 —   Not Alone Series: This week’s NAS topic was Settling.  To settle or not to settle.  That was the question!  Morgan’s post from Follow and Believe was especially good.  It also helped that she gave me a little shout out.  ha ha.  No, I think I am being impartial.  All of the posts were great and none of the girls seemed to considered settling an option.  I have my own post on expectations and how I wondered the same thing when I was single.  Morgan nailed it though when she described the struggle that ensues when one is tempted to settle:

“…We all have moments of weakness where thoughts of “my standards are too high” or “no one will ever meet my expectations” or “all the great guys are taken” creep in…which then lead us to thinking/considering that maybe, just maybe, we should lower our standards and be more “realistic”.”

— 4 —  Spotlight On: This week’s spotlight is on Hallie from Moxie Wife for her spotlight on her husband’s gorgeous words about marriage:

 “The assignment for this chapter was to provide some hope for married people. One cause for hopelessness may lie in these facts: the supernatural grace given in the Sacrament of Marriage exists in union with everyday life; the latter is visible, the former is invisible; the latter is prosaic, the former is profound; the latter is frustrating and cruel, the former is the life of God breathing peace and charity. These are opposite things. Only God knows how to weave them together so that the latter is taken up into the former and perfected—how can we regular folk, who are year in and year out writhing in pain to bring forth children or toiling with sweaty faces to coax thorn-covered crops from the cursed ground, be expected to worthily live the vocation of marriage that God gives to us?”

— 5 —   The Virgin Mary:  Did you see this?  

— 6 —   Braces:  Our son got braces this week.  He is not quite 9 years old and it is a small but critical correction that should only take 6 months. Neither Gregg nor I had them so we had very little experience to go on.  He looks adorable in them. Although the adjustment has been hard for him, he has been a trooper! 

 —— Shout Out To TVOC:  Sarah Thérèse is a new contributor over at the very popular blog, Catholic Young Women.  Well, imagine my excitement when I realized that in her latest post she referred the girls to The Veil of Chastity blog.  If you haven’t already, check out this fabulous blog.  9 different young, Catholic women contribute to the blog which was started in 2007.  There are 59 posts alone on the topic of Singleness and Waiting!  Great stuff. Thank you for the shout out my sweet friend, Sarah Thérèse!

God love and bless you!

p.s.  Today is the First Friday of the month and I will be praying for those of you on my Divine Mercy Chaplet prayer list during Adoration of our Lord!  If you want to be added to my list, write to me or comment and I will pray for you every week!

p.s.s. Check out all my posts listed by category here!

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